~ WaniTa SolehaH untuk LelaKI SoleH~

~SaHabAt AdaLaH SeJaRAh YAnG diKEnanG SepaNJang MAsA~

~SaHabAt AdaLaH SeJaRAh YAnG diKEnanG SepaNJang MAsA~


Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Never give up
Assalamualaikum w.b.t... answer it and you'll get merit (^^).  sorry 4 all beloved friends and readers especially my silent readers.. There are such a long time that I haven't post anything.. why?? Because of why?? the reason is I don't have any confidence.. I quite lost my confidence for everything since I have started my study back at IIUM.. And at this time I'm still trying to achieve success... Maybe you guys might give me some kind of advices ??? I will really appreciate it!!  

And seldom
My heart said....  :

I hope these tears will stop running someday
someday after this darkness clears up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
when I feel that I'm getting tired
of seeing myself exhausted
I want to keep all the dreams
that I've kept so hard
every time I feel that I'm laking
in many things
most of them I don't have
I lost strength in my legs and drop down
everyday I hold out
comforting myself
it'll be okay
day by day it makes me feel
a little more afraid
I tell myself to believe in my own self
but I don't
now I don't know how much longer
I can hold out
but wait.. it'll come
and it'll come
although the night is long
the sun will come up
someday my painful heart will get well
I hope it helps me out now
I hope the God will help me
I don't have ANY confidence
anymore to comfort myself...

* Pray for me yaaaa.. thanks a lot for reading this 


  1. La tahzan. moga mencapai kejayaan ...

  2. Salam.
    Lumrah, manusia ni ada seribu macam feelings. Kadang2 over motivated, kadang2 low to the max. Saya pun pernah melalui saat macam awk ni. tak ada confidence pada diri sendiri. lagi la awk yg skrg ni tgh study, mgkn environment sekeliling yg m'pengaruhi awk jd mcm ni, oh & sebab utama sekali dah pastinya hasutan syaitan. :) syaitan ni tak boleh tgk kita senang. ada ja dia nak hasut kita, manusia ni macam2. kalau boleh syaitan ni hasut kita sampai kita ni give up dgn rahmat ALLAH SWT. :) bila sya ingatkan diri sya mcm ni, yg actually bukan sya yg rasa lost confidence, tp sbb syiatan yg hasut, tibe2 energy sya boost balik. haha...sya ni lagi lah, selalu sgt nak low self esteem etc. arr lagi satu, kalau rsa berterusan mcm ni, try2 lah share dgn sahabat2 baik awk. konfem awk ade sahabat2 yg boleh awk percaya kn...share lah dgn mereka. jgn drag diri dgn perasaan mcm ni berterusan.ok :)
    sya ada terbaca quote ni(dkt mana ntah), & somehow sya nak cuba nak buat mcm tu :
    'when i get sad, I stop being sad, and be awsome instead.'

    p/s: kalau ini dikira nasihat, Alhamdulillah. tp kalau tak, buat2 blur ja lah ya :)
    Selamat belajar & La Tahzan, ALLAH SWT sentiasa dgn kita.

  3. to my beloved nini hartini n hanna : Ya Allah really appreciate ur advices... trima ksih bnyk2 sgt berguna n bermakna nasihat korg. thnks! :)i.Allah ana try u practice that advices.. thnks a lot.

  4. just walking by:) nice post..

    bukan nk bagi nasihat.tapi..nk share ap org bg :)

    "saat kekalahan itu bermula apabila kita merasa lemah dalam perjuangan..dan saat kemenangan bermula bila kita melawan rasa lemah"

    tulah lumrah belajar..but mcmana kita act bila bnd tu berlaku..ngadu kat Dia:) then kalau rasa xtahan..minx kawan nasihatkan..nangis la sepuasnya,kalau nk lega..sbb kita kat dnia ni xkesaorangan:)
